Below are the missionaries and their ministries we support here at the Church of Christ in Green Hills.
We ask that you look over the list, pray for them, and if you know someone who lives in the areas served let them know about our mission efforts. We would love to put you in contact with them!
If you have questions about any of our mission points, please contact us at
Green Hills has supported Nashville Inner City Ministry since its inception in 1979. NICM ministers to children and families deep in our cities housing projects with weekly Bible classes where children are bused to our building and other churches or alternatively teachers meet the children in the 1000 Apex Street facility. Other programs include the Inner City church of Christ, after-school services of mentoring and tutoring, summer camps, Conquerors Teen program, life-skill classes and counseling. Opportunities for you to help with this work are available! Learn more at
A unique Chinese ministry extends from Nashville to all parts of the globe through Edward and Salina Ho’s work. The Natchez Trace church provides a building in which the Middle Tennessee Chinese Church of Christ has formed near Vanderbilt and meets on Friday nights for outreach and enrichment and Sundays for regular services and Sunday School. Ed and Salina also work for World Christian Broadcasting ( to provide Chinese evangelical radio programming. This organization reaches virtually every nation in our world over shortwave radio.
Green Hills has supported Nashville Inner City Ministry since its inception in 1979. NICM ministers to children and families deep in our cities housing projects with weekly Bible classes where children are bused to our building and other churches or alternatively teachers meet the children in the 1000 Apex Street facility. Other programs include the Inner City church of Christ, after-school services of mentoring and tutoring, summer camps, Conquerors Teen program, life-skill classes and counseling. Opportunities for you to help with this work are available! Learn more at
Great Cities' mission extends further and deeper than planting churches, training leaders and teaching. We have been called to be the hands and feet of Jesus, showing the people of the Latin World what it means to love and be loved unconditionally. As we help meet the basic needs of clothing, food and shelter for these people, we continually see lives transformed as they connect with Christ and experience His love and grace. Learn all about Great Cities Missions at
Jesus and Carmen Rodriguez are leaders in the Hispanic-speaking church. Currently in Mesa, their ministry focuses on building up and encouraging several Hispanic-speaking congregations in the area.
Jesus is involved with teaching and training, while they offer their experiences with growing and planting congregations.
A unique Chinese ministry extends from Nashville to all parts of the globe through Edward and Salina Ho’s work. The Natchez Trace church provides a building in which the Middle Tennessee Chinese Church of Christ has formed near Vanderbilt and meets on Friday nights for outreach and enrichment and Sundays for regular services and Sunday School. Ed and Salina also work for World Christian Broadcasting ( to provide Chinese evangelical radio programming. This organization reaches virtually every nation in our world over shortwave radio.
Jose and Maty Velasco have been working in the Baja since 2018. They are currently involved with the Colonia 89 Church in Ensenada. This is one of the older and more dynamic churches in the region. Jose is a graduate of the Baja Bible Institute, and his wife, Maty, is a Lipscomb University Graduate with a degree in Nursing. We are involved with directly supporting the minister and outreach mission trips with teens and adults.
Byron and Sandra Cana work with a team from Great Cities Missions in the city of Bogota, Colombia, as an outgrowth of the original Calle 13 church. The team arrived in 2012 to plant an organized, Biblical church. The Cana family, composed of Byron and Sandra, graduates of Baxter Institute, and sons Diego and Derek, are originally from Guatemala, where they grew up in the church. Sandra supervises the women’s ministry.
Great Cities' mission extends further and deeper than planting churches, training leaders and teaching. We have been called to be the hands and feet of Jesus, showing the people of the Latin World what it means to love and be loved unconditionally. As we help meet the basic needs of clothing, food and shelter for these people, we continually see lives transformed as they connect with Christ and experience His love and grace. Learn all about Great Cities Missions at
Jesus and Carmen Rodriguez are leaders in the Hispanic-speaking church. Currently in Mesa, their ministry focuses on building up and encouraging several Hispanic-speaking congregations in the area. Jesus is involved with teaching and training, while they offer their experiences with growing and planting congregations.
Jose and Maty Velasco have been working in the Baja since 2018. They are currently involved with the Colonia 89 Church in Ensenada. This is one of the older and more dynamic churches in the region. Jose is a graduate of the Baja Bible Institute, and his wife, Maty, is a Lipscomb University Graduate with a degree in Nursing. We are involved with directly supporting the minister and outreach mission trips with teens and adults.
Byron and Sandra Cana work with a team from Great Cities Missions in the city of Bogota, Colombia, as an outgrowth of the original Calle 13 church. The team arrived in 2012 to plant an organized, Biblical church. The Cana family, composed of Byron and Sandra, graduates of Baxter Institute, and sons Diego and Derek, are originally from Guatemala, where they grew up in the church. Sandra supervises the women’s ministry.
Adam and Melanie Barr work in a challenging, working-class area out from Glasgow: Cumbernauld. The congregation is extremely active and has a vibrant youth group meeting during the week that brings in parents to the worship services. Summer camps and area-wide meetings perpetuate great communication.
Green Hills is the sponsoring congregation of the work of Alexander and Eleni Melirrytos at the Omonia Church of Christ in Athens, Greece. The congregation meets in an office building near Omonia Square in the heart of downtown Athens. Several languages are spoken in the diverse but exceedingly close community, including Greek, English, Arabic, and Farsi. Members and volunteers regularly work with refugees, largely Muslims from Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq. Services provided include food and clothing, medical assistance, help with immigration and asylum, English classes, children’s classes as well as a place to call home where they belong. Often people receive asylum in other European countries, spreading the gospel as they go. Learn more at
Eastern European Missions is renowned for distributing hundreds of thousands of Bibles in the school systems in Russian and Ukraine. Since 1961, EEM has been providing Bibles and Biblical literature in the languages of the nations of Eastern Europe. For more information, please visit
Igor Egirev is the president of the Christian Resource Center Russia (CRCRussia) organization, which began in St. Petersburg in 1991. The center provides resources to help grow and lead Russian speaking congregations. It has created a Bible school, the Institute of Theology and Christian Ministry, and also offers online Bible courses. Their websites can be viewed at and Igor is also the minister of the Neva Church of Christ.
Willie Cato and several forward-thinking church leaders started the African Christian Schools foundation in 1959. It established two schools in Nigeria: Nigerian Christian Bible College in the southeast and West Nigeria Christian College in the West. Hundreds of preachers have been trained for the nation’s rapidly growing church. There are more Christians in Nigeria than in the U.S. now, thanks in part to this amazing organization. Graduates of the schools also spread the gospel to other African nations and to other continents. Please visit the ACS website at
Ricky Gootam is a third-generation preacher, working in Kakinada since 2005. Joined by his wife, Sudeepa, and two children, the Gootams are tireless workers. This ministry serves many through TV and radio broadcasts, Bible courses, a printing press, a homeless shelter, a leper colony, an orphanage and more. Ricky is also the director of Lads to Leaders (L2L) India.
Partnering with Pioneer Bible Translators, Daniel and Julie moved to a country in Southeast Asia to participate in translating the Bible, hymns, and study materials into a language from one of the local language groups.
This ministry focuses on providing church services, Bible studies, food and other material aid to the underprivileged and homeless in the West End suburb of Brisbane. It also reaches out to the indigenous community in outback Queensland and northern New South Wales.
Willie Cato and several forward-thinking church leaders started the African Christian Schools foundation in 1959.
It established two schools in Nigeria: Nigerian Christian Bible College in the southeast and West Nigeria Christian College in the West. Hundreds of preachers have been trained for the nation’s rapidly growing church. There are more Christians in Nigeria than in the U.S. now, thanks in part to this amazing organization.
Graduates of the schools also spread the gospel to other African nations and to other continents.
Please visit the ACS website at
Green Hills is the sponsoring congregation Omonia Church of Christ in Athens, Greece. The congregation meets in an office building near Omonia Square in the heart of downtown Athens. Several languages are spoken in the diverse but exceedingly close community, including Greek, English, Arabic, and Farsi. Members and volunteers regularly work with refugees, largely Muslims from Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq. Services provided include food and clothing, medical assistance, help with immigration and asylum, English classes, children’s classes as well as a place to call home where they belong. Often people receive asylum in other European countries, spreading the gospel as they go. Learn more at
Eastern European Missions is renowned for distributing hundreds of thousands of Bibles in the school systems in Russian and Ukraine. Since 1961, EEM has been providing Bibles and Biblical literature in the languages of the nations of Eastern Europe. For more information, please see
Adam and Melanie Barr work in a challenging, working-class area out from Glasgow: Cumbernauld. The congregation is extremely active and has a vibrant youth group meeting during the week that brings in parents to the worship services. Summer camps and area-wide meetings perpetuate great communication.
Igor Egirev is the president of the Christian Resource Center Russia (CRCRussia) organization, which began in St. Petersburg in 1991. The center provides resources to help grow and lead Russian speaking congregations. It has created a Bible school, the Institute of Theology and Christian Ministry, and also offers online Bible courses. Their websites can be viewed at and Igor is also the minister of the Neva Church of Christ.
Ricky Gootam is a third-generation preacher, working in Kakinada since 2005. Joined by his wife, Sudeepa and two children, the Gootams are tireless workers.
This ministry serves many through TV and radio broadcasts, Bible courses, a printing press, a homeless shelter, a leper colony, an orphanage and more. Ricky is also the director of Lads to Leaders (L2L) India.
Partnering with Pioneer Bible Translators, Daniel and Julie moved to a country in Southeast Asia to participate in translating the Bible, hymns, and study materials into a language from one of the local language groups.
This ministry focuses on providing church services, Bible studies, food and other material aid to the underprivileged and homeless in the West End suburb of Brisbane.
It also reaches out to the indigenous community in outback Queensland and northern New South Wales.